Tag Archives: @realdonaldtrump



Though I feel it is a strange phenomenon of what is going on in America, it is not a phenomenon, but ignorance not seeing what has been going on for years. The change has been going on since the end of the Cold War. It was once said during the end of the Cold War, “The Bear Will Awaken”, little did I know that it had more to do with the changes in America, and little with Russia emerging.

I guess one would say that the education system in America have done an excellent job in changing the mass of children too become disrespectful to not only parents, but to the fundamental foundation of the United States of America.  In the cases of parents being involved with their children in both mind thought and discipline, we have those that believe in the military and the country. I would almost be guaranteed that none of them belong to the terrorist group Antifa…

I can’t blame it all on the educators, but the politicians that are leading the way to make America the new Russia of past. From what I see the Democrat  Party is the new:

Democrat Socialist Party

 John Kennedy is long gone and the party no longer has the values of the past and what America was. J.K.F. has to be rolling over in his grave…

The Democrat Socialist Party is now!

The same Party has made alliances with Radical Muslims, thus trying to destroy Christianity and Israel along the path of destroying the United States of America.

We can see from the elections that rural America still believes in the America and cast their votes in the direction to fight the

“Battle of Saving America”

We see what is going on in the cities that are the Democrat Socialist Party strongholds and the decaying of life within them. They are same cities that fight against the Federal Government to become Sanctuary Status Cities. The hell with the border fence, we need to put fences around those cities and keep the bile from running out.

My ancestors went through Ellis Island and became American Citizens. Not being an American Citizen destroys the concept of citizenship and erodes the financials of the City, State and Federal Governments to support those that do not contribute to the cost of doing business or living in America.

Lastly in relationship to athletes that show not respect to the Stars & Stripes, shame on you.

Remember that every Military Veteran, Dead, Past and Present day, took an Oath with our Flag to protect the U.S. Constitution and the People.  They all were willing to die for this belief…

America is God, Country and Family, but mind-set of those us went to war or to served it was about Country which is the United States of America & Flag of America…

Cobra Dog aka Bwana Bubba