Tag Archives: oregon boone & crockett antelope pronghorn

South Wagontire Record Class Pronghorn – Antelope


This 85 B & C was taken in Oregon at 165 yards 

“Bubba we can camp at the XL Spring for the hunt”.  The plan was to make the final scouting of the day in a seeding near Lake Abert.  Plans A, B,  & C had been set for the next day hunting and we wanted to get once last Pronghorn – Antelope scouting trip of the day done.  We were burning daylight and didn’t want to lose any opportunity we could have on this hunt.  The past two days of scouting had been quite satisfying for Rod and myself.  We had come up with three game plans on dandy Pronghorn – Antelope bucks.  Plan A had been our last place before the Lake Abert seeding trip,  it had been a long ways into the Plan A spot and rough navigating getting there.

We had hunts planned by the size of the Pronghorn Antelope that we had found.

One being near Diablo Mtn., which is on the back side of Summer Lake, another being up in the northern part of the hunt unit at St. Patrick Butte, and the last one was near the airstrip out near Paisley off the Red Barn Rd.

 We did not want to disturb the herd and keep our distance out about a mile from a ridge-line that allowed us to view the animals that were watering without being detected.