Scott Ruppel’s 2009 Oregon Owyhee Unit Pronghorn
I had gotten an email from Scott asking about Archery Antelope hunting in the Owyhee Unit for 2009, he had been successful in drawing the tag. I asked him what he had done already to prep for the hunt.
Scott is a great success story; he had already talked with the local biologist for the area and had mapped out the area. He also did a scouting trip for two (2) days just after the rifle season.
Scott also would dedicated if he had too the whole season which is 9 days to get his buck. He gave the spot he was going to work and I told him a previous trip that that area looked really good and to trust the biologist.
Here is the short version that I have on the hunt from Scott. Hopefully I will get a little more detail about the hunt.
“Frank, I killed a nice goat 14 1/4 and 14 3/4 just short of 70 inches. I sat at a water pond for 10 hours and made a 30 yard shot.”