Tag Archives: Oregon Hunts – Pronghorn

Number 1 Oregon Archery Pronghorn – Antelope


          86 P & Y Pronghorn – Antelope

Bone couldn’t believe the size of my Dinosaur. “You did it again, Bwana” were his only words, as he finished capping a nice buck he’d taken earlier in the day.  My big guy’s horns measured 14 1/2″ in length, with 7″ cutters and bases of a monstrous 7 1/2″.  His green score was 89 1/2″, and after three months of drying time he was measured 86 P&Y.    This buck is now ranked #3 after 23 years, it held the #1 spot for 9 years!

I have always said that “records are meant to be broken!”

This buck can be seen at Wholesale Sport Outdoor Outfitters (Old Sportsman’s Warehouse) in Portland, Oregon at 82nd and Johnson Creek.